Privacy Policy | Dr. Hakan Özörnek

Privacy Policy

Visitors (users) of the "" website created and used by EURO CLINIC HEALTH SERVICES INC. are considered to have accepted this privacy agreement.

Method of Data Collection During Site Visit

The company uses cookies only to remember your preferences and to keep page view statistics when you visit the site. No cookies are used and no data is collected for purposes other than these.

The company may automatically collect data during the visit to the site (e.g., the internet browser you used to enter the site). Such information does not contain personal information. These files are kept for statistical purposes for the company to improve the site. When you visit the site, this information can be stored on your computer automatically using small programs called "cookies." Thanks to the "cookie," you do not need to reset the information each time you enter the site.

In this way, your privacy will not be violated in any way, and you can prevent data collection by not pressing the "I accept" button when visiting the site or by blocking "cookies" from your computer if you wish.

Reasons for Data Collection

The collected data is stored and used by the company for purposes such as producing, procuring, developing, providing services, determining and marketing the relevant products and services, obtaining statistical information, and improving the site.

Storage of Data

The company undertakes to protect the privacy of the data obtained due to site visits and not to share it with third parties. The information will be handled in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Turkey regarding the storage of information. The company cannot disclose, sell, rent, or provide information for free to others.

Regarding the processing of personal data in our company, you should refer to the "Disclosure Text" published on the site.

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