Microchip/Ferti-Chip | Dr. Hakan Özörnek


Microchip Method

Currently, male factor infertility accounts for 50% of fertility issues. Insufficient sperm count or motility significantly reduces the chances of natural conception. However, the recently developed and highly promising microchip-assisted IVF treatment has helped many prospective parents fulfill their desires. The microchip method was developed by a Turkish scientist at Harvard and has become increasingly widespread in Turkey.

Advantages of Microchip IVF Treatment

The microchip method allows the differentiation of healthy sperm from others. Sperm chips are composed of microchannels that assist in selecting high-quality sperm. With this method, any sperm that is not healthy or has suffered minor DNA damage is collected in one section.

In another section, healthy, undamaged sperm pass through microchannels and are collected there. Consequently, embryos created from healthy sperm yield higher pregnancy success rates. The combination of high-quality sperm and egg cell, resulting in fertilization and reaching the blastocyst stage by the 5th day, enhances the chances of pregnancy with these embryos.

The greatest advantage of microchip application in IVF is that, in cases of male infertility with low sperm count, it increases the chances of achieving pregnancy for couples undergoing IVF. When couples facing such problems opt for this method during IVF treatment, higher success rates are inevitable.

With microchip IVF treatment, pregnancies can be achieved, and the babies born are generally healthy. This is because only the highest quality and healthiest sperm are selected during the process. The success of this method lies in using the sperm with the highest-quality DNA. As a result, the DNA structure of the embryos created will be of high quality, making it easier for the embryo to attach to the uterus, leading to a healthy pregnancy.

How is microchip IVF treatment implemented?

In microchip IVF treatment, the chances of pregnancy increase with high-quality embryos. Advanced sperm chips function like a filter, distinguishing healthy and high-quality sperm from others. These healthy sperm from microchannels are collected in a different area. Through microinjection, the identified sperm are then fertilized with the egg cell, increasing the chances for prospective parents to realize their dream of becoming parents.

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